The Nature, Science and Environmental network in Les Hautes Vallées - La Grave, La Clarée, l'Izoard

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House of Geology and Geopark

At the gates of Briançon, the Geology and Géoparc House welcomes you to introduce you and make discover the local geology. Temporary exhibitions, lectures, animations. Groups on reservation.


The House of Geology and Geopark presents the geological riches of Briançonnais. It has two museum spaces: the outdoor geodrome which retraces the geological history of the Alps along a path, and the indoor museum with many educational and interactive tools (including a touch pad for a video-assisted visit). A projection room completes the visit by offering films on the local geology. Events, field trips and conferences are offered throughout the year.


Overtures :

10/04/2024, daily between 2 pm and 5 pm.

17/04/2024, daily between 2 pm and 5 pm.

24/04/2024, daily between 2 pm and 5 pm.



Centre Briançonnais de Géologie Alpin - Puy Saint Andrée - © CGBA

Route Nationale 94
Le Clos du Vas
05100 Puy-Saint-André


Phone : +33 4 92 20 56 55

Phone : +33 6 45 83 61 28

Massif du Chenaillet

Massif du Chenaillet - © CGBA


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Massif du Chenaillet

Le massif du Chenaillet est un témoin de l'ancien océan Téthys qui présent avant la surrection des Alpes. Ainsi, à 2 500 m, vous pourrez trouver des fossiles d'animaux marins vieux de 155 million d'années.

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La Casse Déserte : Gypse et cargneules du Col d'Izoard

Relief ruiniforme spectaculaire, le site de la Casse Déserte, popularisé par le tour de France cycliste, est remarquable par son paysage résultant de l'érosion des dolomies cargneulisées roussâtres et gypses d'un blanc livide qui y affleurent.

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