
Take a stroll in a snowy forest, climb a great summit or maybe enjoy a nice hike in a secluded valley or higher up on a plateau - no matter where you are, stunning views and landscapes await and with wearing snowshoes, the snow will not be a problem. Discover our snowshoeing itineraries in order to fall in love with outstanding landscapes around La Grave and Villar d'Arène.
Furthermore, do not hesitate to ask our professionals for a guided snowshoeing tour to allow yourself to enjoy fully during your day out, snowshoeing. During the itinerary, they will tell you everything they know about the mountain and the wild life while, at the same time, making sure to keep the group safe.

Marked itineraries from Villar d'Arène

Download the map of the different ski touring and snowshoeing discovery itineraries


Beware: the two discovery itineraries for winter hikes are marked but not protected so you will progress under your own responsability. You will find, here, some tips to prepare your day outside. There will, also, be a DVA check-point at the start of the route to make sure that your transceiver is on. A safety commission decides of the opening and closing of the two itineraries regarding the snow condition and the avalanche risks, please respect their choice. For more information about the current conditions of the access and the itineraries, you can contact the Bureau des Guides de La Grave at +33 (0) 4 76 79 90 21 or by mail at

Participation libre piétons - raquettes à Villar d'Arène

Vous appréciez de pouvoir parcourir les itinéraires raquettes à neige et piste pour piétons mis à votre disposition par le domaine nordique du Pays de la Meije ? Leurs préparations, balisages, entretien ou damage ont un coût.
Depuis peu, tous les sites nordiques des Alpes du sud proposent aux usagers marcheurs à pieds ou en raquettes à neige, de pouvoir contribuer volontairement pour l'entretien de ces tracés spécifiques.
Vous pouvez acheter ces forfaits "activités hors ski de fond" sur les deux points de ventes du domaine : a Villar d'Arène au magasin Juge Sports ou à Arsine, au chalet du domaine nordique.

. 1 personne 2 personnes
Journée 3€ 5€
Semaine 12€ 20€
Saison 35€  

Guided snowshoeing tours

Relax, you can go on a shoeshoeing adventure and discover the mountain environment stress free - just ask to one of our passionate professionals ! 

2 fiches

Snowshoeing with Bureau Montagne Horizons

Whether you're a trapper at heart, or just want to spend some time with the family, we've got the snowshoe hike for you! Find out more about our winter program at…

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Raquettes_OUVERTURE.jpg - © Bureau des Guides de la Grave

Snowshoeing with the Bureau des Guides

Place Olivier Messiaen, La Grave

Snowshoeing with the Bureau des Guides

Discover the snow-covered mountains, follow the tracks left by wildlife in the snow, observe how nature has adapted, and marvel at the breathtaking scenery!

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Safety advice

Either in winter or in summer, hiking is never risk free. Outside groomed and marked trails you are under your own responsability. While hiking, snowshoeing or ski touring you need to be careful, prepare your day out in advance and respect these simple rules:

Check regurlarly the weather forecast, knowing that in winter the days are shorter.

→ Have a look at the avalanche report to find information about the snow conditions.

Keep yourself warm and take with you some spare clothes no matter how long the hike is; in high altitude and close to the mountains the weather can be harsh and change dramatically. 

→ Make sure you have more than enough water and food to keep you going during your activity.

Choose a suitable itinerary fitting your physical conditions and in tune with your skills and knowledge of the environment around you.

Get informed on the route you choose from itinerary guide books.

Do not go alone and let people know where you go with an estimated time of return.

→ If the itinerary gets too hard or in case of doubts you can always turn back.

→ Get ready your avanche security kit with a transceiver, a shovel and a probe.

Do not hesitate to ask our profesionnals for a guided tour outside of the marked itinaries.

Shhh - Do not disturb !

While enjoying your winter days outside, please respect the peace and quiet of the wild life such as roe deer, chamois, ptarmigan, lammergeier that are sharing generously their fagile habitats; especially during winter where their supplies are low. 
You can find below, advice from the Ecrins National Park in order for you to observe but not disturb.

Le tétras-lyre, une espèce emblématique des Alpes

Rent your gear in our several sport shops

You do not have the required gear ? No problem, you can find everything you need, here at La Grave.